The 'revenge' of Lucia Sanchez, winner of GH Dúo after an unprecedented ending


Now yes, GH Duo already has its winner: Lucia Sanchez. After the serious errors in what should have been the real final last Thursday, finally last night and, after more than even voting, a winner could be named, who was on the verge of leaving the program. 

It has been difficult, but finally GH Dúo was able to proclaim its winner last night. The battle between Asraf Beno and Lucía Sánchez that last Thursday caused something never seen before in the final of a reality show culminated last night with the narrow victory - by 53.1% of the votes - of Lucía Sánchez. The former participant of Temptation Island made up for it, took revenge, got even and gave back to herself what Temptation Island took from her a few years ago when she had to live and suffered like few others have suffered from the infidelities of that time. her partner, Manuel, third finalist of GH Dúo and with whom last night she had her ups and downs, so much so that Lucía was on the verge of abandoning the grand final, she was on the verge of adding another scandal.

Because what happened with this GH Duo is already television history. Last Thursday, a historic "error" in the MiTele voting App, the Mediaset platform, caused the reality show and Telecinco to make an unprecedented decision: delay the election of the winner when the application crashed and they were unable to vote during the program. Marta Flich gave the appropriate explanations that same Thursday after two in the morning, she gave them again on Friday in ¡De Viernes! and she gave them again last night, many times, even going so far as to show the spectacular number of votes: more than 3 million. In all of them, the excuse was always "the sovereign audience." Because, effectively, what is GH without the audience?

"The voting system had been reinforced so that there were no problems, but the expectations we had were exceeded. When Manuel left the house, voting resumed, we began to have problems, but we were solving the issue. The surprise occurred, in At that moment, the voting system breaks down, it becomes overcrowded and people can no longer vote," was Marta Flich's explanation in ¡De Viernes!


Last night, what happened on Thursday could not happen again and, indeed, all necessary measures were taken to prevent it from happening. Last night he could be proclaimed the winner of GH Dúo and the public - "the sovereign audience" - decided that it would be Lucía Sánchez. "I dedicate it to my daughter, my family and the team that has trusted me. I would never have imagined it, I promise to improve and be a better person," Lucía managed to say in the midst of overwhelming joy and euphoria.

And Lucía's victory is much more than a 50,000 euro briefcase or being part of the history of reality show winners. Lucía's victory means the re-emergence of a girl whose television and personal life has been marked by her time on The Island of Temptations, by the infidelities she suffered there from Manuel, her then partner, by resentment, by what It came later - her relationship with Lobo, their breakup and the daughter they had together - because of the pain, because of not knowing how to forgive, but above all because of not being able to forget.

Lucía Sánchez's thorn is a thorn that is still very much stuck inside her today, as she has shown during her time on GH Dúo and as was even seen at last night's final gala when she was about to leave the set after new tensions with Manuel. If she were to leave, it would have been the culmination of GH Duo. On Thursday, without a winner due to a "disaster" in the voting" and last night, without the winner because she ran away. The blood did not reach the river. The tension between Lucía and Manuel has been present throughout the reality show so it could not be missed the video summary of her worst moments. It was at that moment when Manuel, who since Thursday has shown his support for Lucía to win, claimed to be very upset with her for some statements that the GH Dúo winner said inside the house to Elena Rodríguez and that the reality show decided not to broadcast in the grand finale, but in the 24 hours, which is where it came to Manuel.


"They have taught me more delicate things. She has said things that have hurt me a lot, like that I gave her a sexually transmitted disease, she has spoken badly about my sister's work and she has attacked my people," Manuel revealed. Manuel, given the things that he had found out outside, posted a live Instagram in which he said that he did not care who the winner of the edition was, something that Lucía did not understand when she found out last night. Even so, Lucía asked for his forgiveness: "I have a problem, I have no filter, there are times when my tongue slips away. I'm sorry, I understand that you feel bad and I ask for your forgiveness." However, the atmosphere became so heated that Lucía Sánchez felt attacked and she did not decide not to cut her hair: "If I feel bad, I'll pick up and leave and let Asraf win." Marta Flich's face at that moment was one of genuine panic. Like Lucía got up and left to see how GH Duo would get out of a new scandal. However, the program played the good vibes video card and a new scandal was avoided.

Lucía's pain with Manuel, with what she suffered and with what that suffering has caused her during all this time is still very present. So present that she herself has acknowledged on many occasions that she has not been able to overcome those blows. That is why her victory in GH Duo, although it may seem trivial, is so important. Lucía Sánchez, in addition to deserving to win, since she has been one of the great protagonists of the reality show from minute one, deserved to feel that she can, she deserved to feel like a winner, empowered, a winner... The GH Dúo audience gave it to her last night.

She said it herself last night during the interview prior to meeting the winner of GH Duo: "I have been very happy in that house. It has been a long time since she stopped to listen to me, I liked the Lucía that came out in the house." "Have you resolved the troubles that you had in your head before entering?" Marta Flich asked her and Lucía answered a resounding "yes" and explained: "I am clear that I want to dedicate my life to giving time to my girl, to me, to work, to improve myself to give things to her and, right now, I can't fit anything else. "I'm not in a moment to dedicate time to anyone, it would be selfish on my part because I wouldn't give anything to the person next to me. I want to heal, I want to empower myself, go back to being who I was and then it will be seen." ", he stated. Minutes later that cure began upon hearing her name as the winner of GH Duo.

And what did she do? What no one expected because she didn't want to say it until she knew she was the winner so as not to influence the public vote with her decision: "I am very sensitive to the issue of children. I would like to help children who need it with whatever it takes. "I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I didn't want to use this. I want to help them, be attentive, contribute something that they don't have because, since I had the girl, children touch my heart a lot."

Lucía Sánchez was resurrected, made up for and rose from her ashes in a very decaffeinated final. A final that should have been on Thursday and that led to all plans changing in a matter of hours. GH Duo tried it. She tried to give a grand finale, but it was impossible, since the grand finale really was on Thursday and filling a program with more of the same and more than two hours was impossible. It was a slow, repetitive final, but it was the final, the victory, the glory of Lucía Sánchez.

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