Cristina Kirchner marked a profile of the candidate

Cristina Kirchner marked a profile of the candidate

There were no announcements, but in her speech you can outline the profile of a possible candidate. The courage to expose herself again in public after an attempt on her life defines one of the most necessary characteristics to carry out the program that is prefigured.

Heated by the run on the dollar, the expectation for Cristina Kirchner's speech in La Plata had risen several degrees of temperature. The tremendous pressure on the need for an immediate advance on the elections was interposed precisely with a very unfavorable moment for any definition in that sense. Any name would have been thrown into the hot pan of the run on the dollar.

But in the case of Cristina Kirchner, the presentation was not going to be a magisterial talk either, a concept that has more flavor of academic elitism than politics. There were several clues for the immediate path.

He put in the first place and as a decisive issue the "criminal" debt that the government of Mauricio Macri left with private individuals and with the IMF. And she listed the problems caused by the lack of control of corporations, private debt in dollars and market concentration, where only 20 companies control 74 percent of what is consumed. And the need to fill that void with state regulation that allows them profits but prevents price abuses and speculative inflation.

In the same way, she referred to the need for a tax reform. Of the 20 highly concentrated companies in the market, which should pay an average of 35 percent income tax, all benefit from tax benefits, so they end up paying less than 3 percent. And she stressed that it would be necessary to look there before putting it in the money that the State allocates to social plans. “If the rich paid what they owe, there would be no fiscal deficit,” she emphasized.

The vice president manages the tones of her speech. There was also intention in her anger. “Who is going to face economic power!? - she asked then in a stronger tone-- the politicians who lined up in Bariloche to compete before the businessmen to see who will make the most adjustment to further impoverish the people? Are they going to face it?"

In that contemptuous invocation he included the opposition candidates who went to present their adjustment proposals to the businessmen of the Bariloche Forum. There Cristina Kirchner turned around the scene that tries to install Javier Milei as an enemy of the system. She stood in front of everyone, starting with Milei and continuing with Patricia Bullrich, and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, whom she did not name.

With that image of the opposition candidates competing for the favor of the most concentrated businessmen, whom she defined as one of the sectors responsible for the rise in prices and the fiscal deficit, she positioned herself as the true anti-system and displaced Javier Milei. , whom he ridiculed in more than one section of his speech.

She was not interested in Milei because of his electoral weight, but because of the place in the electoral scene in which they placed him, as the rebel against the political system who fixes everything by blowing up the political system. It is not the political system that must be dynamited to fix the situation, - she clarified - she, but to put a stop to the lack of control in the highly concentrated markets and for that, one must have determination and courage.

The idea or concept of bravery was in that presentation the whole time. Cristina Kirchner not only spoke more comfortably as if she were doing it from the plain, but in that speech she also outlined the typography of the candidate of the Frente de Todos. The real anti-system and not the ridiculous simulation and "pelinche" of Milei. A fiery speech that makes a difference and generates enthusiasm.

The strongest vibration reached the public that was inside and outside the Teatro Argentino de La Plata when Cristina asked them “Who are we going to be afraid of!?” "To Milei, to whom no one ever did anything," she began increasingly loud and emotional, "I have been attacked by the media, my family and my children have been affected, I have been legally persecuted, I have been sentenced and proscribed, and they even tried to assassinate me... And are we going to be afraid of this character? Please, don't fuck with me!”

At that moment of greatest intensity, the leader of the Frente de Todos showed a path, a speech and a program, the construction of the possible candidate. "We cannot depend on a person, you have to have a program." But there must also be the political sense to present the candidate who must be projected as one who will have the courage and the political decision to fix problems that seem embedded in the life of the country without being able to overcome them.

Therefore, the idea of bravery was present. Those who are going to pay homage to the owners of the country are not the ones who are going to fix anything, they are going to make it worse with a speech that they present as the new and is the oldest. You have to show courage and bear the consequences.

There is a twinning if you will. The people who suffer from the economic consequences of economic power and the people who suffer from the consequences of having stopped it at the time. Who is more anti-system? The one protected by the system, like Milei, or who the system punishes and persecutes the most, like her and her political force?

The theme of bravery was present again when, after finishing her speech, she went outside to greet the militants who had gathered outside the theater. For a woman who has just suffered an attack on a public highway, her decision to expose herself in open places in front of a crowd shows a very strong and courageous character.

If she's not going to be the candidate, then whoever is will have to have at least some of that attitude. She also contributed to the design of an attractive speech for the elections. But speech and attitude go hand in hand, one does not work without the other. And of course a program, in which the rediscussion of the agreement with the IMF appears first.

At the end of her speech, Cristina clarified that when she talks about anti-system -which was actually a word she hardly used- she is not referring to an anti-capitalist discourse, but to the type of market capitalism as concentrated and unequal as the one that is rooted in Argentina.

Some obvious things: with this act, in which almost all the forces that make up the Frente de Todos participated, Cristina reaffirmed her leadership and therefore her right to have a voice in the formation of the lists. On the other hand, she reaffirmed her support in the province of Buenos Aires, as a strategic space for her political force.

Regarding the candidacies, in a context of a run on the dollar and high inflation, which seems unstoppable, Cristina was not going to announce any candidacy.

A quite visible agreement on the candidacy of Sergio Massa is in the air, closely tied to the goals he achieves in his frantic fight against the run on the dollar and the rise in prices. There are two months left for the officialization of the candidacies. In those two months, positive results should be seen. But it is highly probable that the jump in the dollar will trigger prices and the inflation rate will continue in the clouds. Although it is a possibility that is still open.

Even so, if Cristina is not, neither is Alberto and neither is Massa, they would have to have a name willing to put up a difficult fight.

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